- dealing with cat litter duty
- confirming plans with the husband to visit family
- gym time with the girls
- dose the felines with Revolution
- put inboxes from home into car to take to work
- and knit.
Current commission list:
- Socks for niece (almost done! finished the heel turn last night and will work on the gussets tonight. These will be a gift.)
- Finish socks for sister (the whole too-tight cuff; also a gift.)
- Coworker LPF: 2 pr baby booties - 1 girl (pink & lavender) and 1 boy (light blue & navy) [priced at $7.50 each; discounts start at 3 pair]
- Coworker EMG: 2 pr baby booties - 2 girl (colors to be confirmed) [same price as above]
Commissions to confirm:
- Coworker DDV: baby booties; will discuss over drinks Friday after work [price depends on quantity and yarn desired]
- Socks for friend LB. She will be coming over with another friend Friday evening for Wii bowling so I will show her sock yarns I currently have and let her pick yarn and pattern. [price depends on yarn and pattern but will probably start at $10. Need to check on price charged to friend in winter to stay consistent.]
One more payment on my Citi credit card and then I can close that account!!! I'm so pleased.